Monday, August 29, 2005


Finally getting back on track. We are in Iowa now and all settled in. Boone is such a lovely town...once you get used to all the trains!

Matthew is really enjoying himself. He and Pastor are a perfect student-teacher fit. Eli is doing great and growing like a weed! He crawls everywhere and pulls himself up on everything. I've been home a lot- keeping the house clean and taking care of Eli. I get out to do the shopping and take an occasional trip to the library.

My family is coming this weekend to visit. I can hardly wait to them. It's only going to be for 2 nights but at least it's something. I really miss them all terribly. After spending two months with them I really got used to being there and having all those babysitters. :)

I'm working out 6 days a week now and trying to eat like I should. I still need to plan meals ahead more to keep myself from being bad. My weight has always been a problem and I need to take care of it now before I begin to have serious health problems. I'll post updates every so often. Current weight: 236 Dress size: 22 That's really hard to write down.